
Activity Streams Types and Protocols for Events, Schedules, Calendars for Meetings, Conferences, and Unconferences


Convener: Aaron Gray (@AaronNGray@fosstodon.org)

Participants who chose to record their names here:


Aaron: I am trying to create a service called - UniversalCalendar.earth and am interested in being able to have a Calendar system.

A Federated event/calendar system:

  • Could be public or private events.
  • Option for people to browse events near them.
  • Federation could be for more specific communities.

Jeremiah: some prior art on calendar stuff on the social web:

Fred: I was trying to map the model of https://www.kartevonmorgen.org/ to rdf: https://linkedopenactors.gitlab.io/loa-specification/#event-2, https://linkedopenactors.gitlab.io/loa-specification/#information-exchange-data-model. Some years ago ;-) Then I started implementing rdf-pub.

Aside: Asciidoc can add PlantML diagrams, which is neat.

Fred: Missing part was missing client-to-server API implementation to have ActivytPub server for federating custom models, so started rdf-pub.org Mastodon cannot understand any custom models, specifically RDF. Uses https://rdf4j.org/

Initially the Universal Calendar would be a bespoke implementation Aaron: advocating for “meta forms” (TODO: link describing more what this is) MetaForms need formalizing as a specification and a reference implementation.

Mobilizon event: https://docs.joinmobilizon.org/contribute/activity_pub/#event_1