Marketing messaging / content creation to advocate for Fediverse
Convener: Georgia MB
Participants who chose to record their names here:
- Jeremiah Lee (
- Johannes Ernst ( (part of the time)
- Darius Dunlap (,,
- fauno (
- Saskia Welch (
- Scott M. Stolz (
- Jeff Sikes (
Tags / links to resources / technology discussed, related to this session:
Matrix group:
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
- Jeremiah: “The phrase I use is: The social web allows you to own the relationship with your audience and your distribution to your audience”
- “The next great social network is just the Web.” (People already know how the web works (and it’s federated without having to explain what federated is).
- “ActivityPub is a technology standard that turns any website into a social network profile that can be followed, liked, and commented upon.” It’s a social layer on top of the Web.
- Johannes: “there is no middle man”
- Another phrase: The next great social network is just the Web (People already know how the web works (and it’s federated without having to explain what federated is).
“So that” - “even if” - “without any” formula for simplicity and persuasion.
- no middle man = with an agenda in between me and who i want to communicate with
- no middle man = no unwanted ads
- no middle man = no algorithm that is controlled by a meddling third party
- “own” your audience relationships
- Most reach on social networks today is paid reach. You have followers, but for them to actually see your content, you have to pay the network to surface your content to your followers in their algorithmic feeds.
- Authentication comes from your domain being authoritatively you
- you can talk to your audience directly
- see more in: goals, values, pain points & challenges in spreadsheet (linked)
- community leaders
- organisations who want to broadcast
- see more in spreadsheet (linked)
NOTE: In addition to a broad over statement, the “elevator pitch” sentences would do well to be different for each significant permutation of Avatar (ie Business Onwer, Musician) and/or Product (ie Peertube, Hubzilla)
- side loading niche communities
- wordpress angle
- encouraging existing tools to integrate
Sutty: interested in this session because of the work we’ve been doing on distributed press (we actually have a job posting, not sure where to share it:
JessePlusPlus: I’ve been trying to build something for people to use as personal photo/video sharing with family and friends that is more privacy-respecting than the normal surveillance/ad-based platforms like facebook/instagram. I’ve had trouble explaining to folks what the value is beyond ad-free and private. I explain the federated part about being able to connect with others on other networks, but the first question I get is “can I still connect with my friends on facebook/insta?”
Jeremiah: The phrase I use is: “The social web allows you to own the relationship with your audience and your distribution to your audience”. Another phrase I use often: “ActivityPub is a technology standard that turns any website into a social network profile that can be followed, liked, and commented upon.” Another phrase: “The next great social network is just the Web.”
There’s a marketing channel in the fedidevs Matrix chat. Let’s keep going!