
Session: “Visionary” revenue models for the Fediverse – and baby steps!


Convener: Richard Reisman (@rreisman@techpolicy.social)

Opening background:

“Visionary” revenue models for the fediverse – and baby steps!

  • Novel strategies bring out best of subscriptions, micropayments, freemium, crowdfunding, pay what you want - to find a fair, affordable, profitable price for all.

  • Interest from academia & entrepreneurs, applies behavioral econ+game theory.

  • Fediverse offers a green field for new models to benefit server operators, users, and shared services. And a SaaS opportunity for “Revenue as a Service.”

  • Elements can be applied in “easy” steps up the “ladder of value”

What if instead we removed the need for payments completely? Creators get paid per view, but without a need for a subscription, because it would be covered by your income taxes. See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJSTFzhs1O4