DID/SSO Federated Authentication
Convener: Day Waterbury & Brad DeGraf
Participants (add yourself here if you want to be listed, no obligation): Name and Fediverse handle
- Day Waterbury (@deiim@kolektiva.social, https://consensual.ventures, https://collaborative.tech)
- Steve Ediger (@steveediger@social.coop, https://chicommons.coop, https://datacommons.coop, https://pato.coop)
- Brad DeGraf (@bdegraf@mastodon.green)
- Steve Vitka (@svitka@mastodon.social, stephen.vitka@gmail.com)
Key points:
- Day - Consensual says: @steve Would be great if you could share links to the CoLab cloud stuff you were mentioning.
- Brad DeGraf (@bdegraf@mastodon.green) says: I’ve been impressed by Ryan Barrett, who would be a good starting point for exploring actually doing this with Mastodon. https://github.com/snarfed
- Brad DeGraf (@bdegraf@mastodon.green) says: Ryan has https://brid.gy/ and might be a good ally in getting any PR / evolution widely adopted
- Brad DeGraf (@bdegraf@mastodon.green) says: https://greencheck.world/
Thoughts on Legal/Financial Structures:
- Day - https://www.purpose-us.com/writing/whats-a-perpetual-purpose-trust
- Day - https://bit.ly/holosourcing
- Day: https://laurex.notion.site/laurex/A-proposal-for-a-new-social-tech-economy-a-work-in-progress-7ee28c182949430f944eba345c6a8962#2c5b48561de74c34a96b4aae93a199e5
- Brad: https://www.corporate-rebels.com/blog/haier
Cloud Servers:
- https://colab.coop
- International Tech Cooperatives: https://patio.coop
- Check out coopcreds, who are producing verification of cooperative members.
- Let’s loop in Gabe Congas and the Fediverse Developers Network
Side Conversation RE: Open Source Design
Next steps, if any
- Meet with the new Fediverse Developers Network