
Onboarding the News


Convener: Ben Werdmuller (@ben@werd.social), Freddie Johnson (@freddiej@newsmast.social)

Participants who chose to record their names here:

Notes (merged from two sets)

  • How can the Fediverse welcome the news?
  • Newsmast: building spaces for better conversations online.
  • Freddie intro: Patchwork demo tomorrow, DM me for beta access, overview of Newsmast history and status update.
  • Ben intro: coming from open-source platform building.
    • Has been advocating within ProPublica for the Fediverse.
    • Doing guerrilla Mastadon fundraiser. In the most recent donations to ProPublica from Mastodon outperformed all other social media platforms COMBINED.
    • In news, social media is generally owned by the audience team, not the tech team.
    • Smaller/more engaged is in some conflict with big impact/viral content that is the current standard.
    • Challenge: we can’t prove that we are effective: referral
    • Want a way to show subscribers coming from Fedi. That’s how the rest of the industry thinks.
    • You can’t recommend leaving Twitter and keep your job today, it drops referrals too much in a time of dropping referrals.
    • “We need tracking without advertising”.
    • UTM tags stripped by Mastodon (whackamole dev); link shorteners also hostile.
    • ProPublica uses SocialFlow.
  • Feedback: “There is no way the tech platforms as letting this (“fediverse”) happen”.
  • Apple.News is an issue. LOL Of course!
  • s3th: get journalists off the X platform please.
    • Cross posters: mixpost, fedica, hootsuite, SocialFlow (what ProPublica uses)…
  • Sean: WeDistribute
    • Born of the fediverse first. Not outside then in!
    • Dogfooding to a whole new level, our place of business is our social network host is our comments section.
    • We’re using the WP plugin and making our site an AP host.
    • Slowly moving into the non-profit status—how do we crowdfund on the fediverse?
    • For newsrooms coming into the fediverse, start with baby steps.
    • The BBC built their own instance.
    • Training, getting people used to the workflow.
    • A beginning primer to get your professional brand established on Fedi.
    • Interested in a sort of “universal comments section”.
  • Ben had an experience where outside commenters on IndieWeb were really angry about having their comments pulled into another site.
  • Ben: tools to help journalists find stories would be a big draw.
  • Ben: Engagement teams read the comments section closely focusing future efforts and sniffing for leads.
  • Sean: Full-text search and maintained lists help us a lot in tracking/lead-finding.
  • Johannes: Two buckets of topics here:
    • features (once journos are using the Fediverse)
    • versus getting journos in/on here (cultural/hearts and minds).
  • Ben: Dragging the NYT onto Fedi is a… longer-term goal.
  • Kirsten: In the product innovation world, we say you have to do at least 3 things 15% better in order to get users to switch. So one way to look at this is what are the 3 things that the fediverse can do 15% better?
  • Freddie: Could be a better/safer/brand-safer place to anchor a web presence?
  • Freddie: Better control over reader relationships.
  • Ben: Greater control and ownership of relationships with subscribers are huge. And a HUGE internal discussion! It’s just that the fediverse is not seen as an obvious solution yet.
  • Alternate tracking or alternate subscription tech or alternate attention metrics aren’t that hard to launch as a protocol extension… gets more realistic to raise VC for that kind of work over time.
  • Ben: Patreon works in the meantime? How do we evolve those kind of voluntary/manual processes into platforms on top of Fediverse?
  • Johannes: What is the the adoption model we’re going for? What’s our definition of success?
  • It sounds like there are at least four distinct scenarios:
    • Small niche local newsrooms.
    • Larger traditional organizations (bbc.soial, WGBH, ARD, non-profits likeProPublica)
    • Fedi-first (or maybe social-media-first) orgs like WeDistribute.
  • Ben: Fedi’s metrics/DoS are ours - the bigger this gets, better.
  • Ben: Payments are huge for tiny publications, pubs like us don’t even need to worry about that, we measure eyeballs/impact otherwise (in readership, etc) to keep donations coming.
  • [chat]: bf: newsrooms will continue to exist, but they might look more like coops and activism than for-profit businesses
  • Kirsten: journalists and publications being onboarded should be selling journos and publications tools and services that solve their problems to get them here.
  • Ben: Our funding is <cough cough>, so becoming-a-social-forum sounds like a lot of work and hiring and org change; VIP-hosted service would be great, like “WordPress VIP”.
  • Kristen: I worked at WordPress VIP for 2 years: it’s fully hosted but also fully MANAGED, hand-hold through upgrades, immediate support replies, extra help at elections, etc. Has a premium level where “we’re your IT team” – beyond hosting.
  • Bob: Why would a news business want to co-run a platform? Is it an isomorphism to think every publisher needs to OWN ITS OWN distribution platform? It used to be that the capital-intensive distribution created gatekeeping capital forms, but now anyone can be a journo/writer/musician…
  • Ben Pate: Censorship, tho– arbitrary moderation and algo –> unreliable distribution; owning the stack becomes more urgent now that reach is owned by oligopolies.
  • bumblefudge: blatant self-promo: https://fediversereport.com/fediverse-for-publishers is a great 1pager to send to journalists of all kinds who just need a crib sheet to get read in (or https://learningproof.xyz/newsrooms-and-activitypub/ for people who would benefit from the long-form version)